I’ve always said that Mormon Guitar is the first time I’ve arranged hymns for the guitar. But the longer I do it, the more I realize I’ve been arranging hymns here and there for longer than I’ve remembered. I did a couple of hymns as my final project in a religion class in college. I did a hymn for some friends that were struggling. And I did When He Comes Again right after I got off my mission.
(This song is also on the latest Mormon Guitar album and you can download this song on iTunes.)
I think the arrangement today is different from how I did it back then. But regardless, I find it fascinating that this is the first one I did back then. It’s the first one I can remember doing ever. I’m not sure why. I feel like I’ve always been drawn to this song.
The second verse of this hymn has always been my favorite. “Each day I’ll try to do his will and let my light so shine that others seeing me may seek for greater light divine.”
No one has exemplified this verse more than my wife this past month. I overheard her dad telling her how proud he was of her for standing up for her beliefs this month. It was a sweet moment. And I couldn’t have agreed more.
She had the courage to stand up for what she thought was right, even if others didn’t feel the same way. But more importantly, she didn’t let it decrease her commitment to the gospel or the church. She said, “If someone is struggling, I want them to know that I’m someone they can talk to who will love them for who they are and won’t judge them. I can’t do that unless I’m an active and faithful member of the church.”
(Everyday I think there is no way I could love her any more than I do, and everyday she proves me wrong.)
To me, she is the quintessential example of that second verse.
I wonder, when he comes again,
Will herald angels sing?
Will earth be white with drifted snow,
Or will the world know spring?
I wonder if one star will shine
Far brighter than the rest;
Will daylight stay the whole night through?
Will songbirds leave their nests?
I’m sure he’ll call his little ones
Together ’round his knee,
Because he said in days gone by,
“Suffer them to come to me.”
I wonder, when he comes again,
Will I be ready there
To look upon his loving face
And join with him in prayer?
Each day I’ll try to do his will
And let my light so shine
That others seeing me may seek
For greater light divine.
Then, when that blessed day is here,
He’ll love me and he’ll say,
“You’ve served me well, my little child;
Come unto my arms to stay.”
Carter Stelter
Posted at 18:56h, 22 JuneDo more!
Brian Dickey
Posted at 20:01h, 12 FebruaryThank you so much for you work! I found your site a couple of weeks ago and have been listening, practicing, and playing this song. I just love your style. Today I was playing your arrangement of “When He Comes Again”, when my wife came up listening at the door she liked your arrangement so much it brought a tear to her eye. Thanks for sharing your talents and your inspiration.
Ben Howington
Posted at 20:18h, 12 FebruaryThanks so much, Brian! I’m really glad you’re enjoying playing this one.