Lila’s Pick for February

Lila’s Pick for February

As it so happens, Lila is up in the rotation for picking the next hymn. And she picked a good one – My Heavenly Father Loves Me. Or you might know it better by the first line – “Whenever I hear the song of a bird…” She’s always liked it because she thinks it says “…or walk by a Lila tree.” She’s adorable.

It’s such a simple and beautiful primary song. I’m sure I’ll be pulling back the volume on this one, but that’s about all I know at this point. I’m looking forward to arranging it.

Check back on February 1 to hear the arrangement. Or subscribe to get an email notification when it’s posted.

  • diane
    Posted at 07:44h, 13 January Reply

    Thank you so much for making this music available. This morning, in my Monday email, my missionary son in Denmark asked for some LDS guitar music. Someone there gave him a decent guitar, and all three elders in the apartment play! So, I have downloaded your music and it is off to Denmark! Thank you so much for your time and generosity!


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