14 Nov It’s time for YOU to pick the hymn
As a huge thank you to all of you for your wonderful support, I want to let the audience pick the song for January. So if there is a hymn that you’ve been wanting to hear me arrange, now is your chance!
Simply comment on this post or send me a message on the Contact page. You can also message me or post a comment on Facebook. All of them get to me eventually.
I’ll collect all of the suggestions and on Dec. 2, I’ll post a video of me randomly selecting the hymn out of a hat (Because why not?). That way everyone has a fair shot at getting theirs picked.
So get in your suggestions now! You can post as many suggestions as you want, but just don’t go overboard. If you also see that someone else has posted the hymn you want, don’t let that stop you from participating. Your suggestion of that same hymn will increase the odds of it getting picked.
Update 12/2/13
And the winner is…….
Congratulations Brittany! Arrangement will be posted on January 1. Thank you to everyone for participating! This was a lot of fun!
Evan Peterson
Posted at 12:29h, 14 NovemberI think Joseph Smith’s First Prayer would be great!
Posted at 16:04h, 15 NovemberWhere Can I Turn For Peace or I Stand All Amazed would be awwwwesome!
Ernest Hayes
Posted at 17:15h, 15 NovemberJoseph Smith’s First Prayer
Rosco Wilson
Posted at 04:43h, 16 NovemberI Believe in Christ. Or Called to Serve :)
Andy Schultz
Posted at 05:43h, 17 NovemberI’m Trying to Be Like Jesus would be a great one. Also Give Said the Little Stream. Heaven is a Place on Earth oh wait that’s Belinda Carlisle ;)
Andy Schultz
Posted at 05:47h, 17 NovemberAhh, and there was one I thought of before and couldn’t remember. It just came back to me – Stars were gleaming. It has a few nice a minor and e minor measures that are fun to play.
Posted at 07:50h, 17 NovemberCome thou fount would be terrific! Or how great thou art! Both are great!
Isaac Torres
Posted at 15:06h, 17 NovemberA child’s prayer
Ben Howington
Posted at 11:47h, 19 NovemberHere are the suggestions from Facebook as well, just so I have them all in one place. Remember, the more you suggest one hymn, the better the odds are for it getting selected. So even if you see the one you want listed so far, don’t let that stop you from suggesting it.
if you could hie to kolob!
How Firm a Foundation
Lord I would Follow Thee
Army’s of Helaman
A Child’s Prayer
Ok, Army’s of Helaman would be awesome!
In Our Lovely Deseret (second verse only, acapella) :)
Abide with me/Abide with me tis eventide medley
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief
Brightly Beams our Father’s Mercy
Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise, In Humility our Savior, Each Life that Touches Ours For Good
All Creatures of Our God and King
A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief. Have you seen New York Doll? Channel David Johansen.
For the Beauty of the Earth
We’ll bring the world his truth.
Come Thou Fount (along with my favorite arrangement). Austin sang this in Sacrament meeting one Sunday and I balled my eyes out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvkSgWlm-e4
Now Let Us Rejoice. Or Redeemer of Israel.
The Spirit of God
Love is spoken here.
What about that one that U2 wrote for the hymn book–God Moves in a Mysterious Way
How Great Thou Art
A Poor Wayfaring of Grief mixed with Praise to the Man.
Come Come Ye Saints
Abide with me tis eventide!
Ó Criaturas do Senhor
I stand all amazed or I believe in Christ
Lead Kindly Light
There is a Green Hill.
Jesus once of humble birth
Help me teach with Inspiration
Lead Kindly Light
Matt Ackerman
Posted at 17:36h, 19 NovemberArmies of Helaman!
Mary Wockenfuss
Posted at 15:38h, 26 NovemberArmy of Helaman (We’ll Bring the World His Truth). It’s one of my brother’s favorites and he’s been anxiously hoping you’d do that song.
Ben Howington
Posted at 19:21h, 26 NovemberThat’s a good one. Seems like a lot of people have been requesting that one too. So even if it’s not picked this time, I’m sure it will be done in the near future. Thanks!
Mike Brady
Posted at 19:38h, 26 NovemberRedeemer of Israel would be nice. :)
Ben Howington
Posted at 19:45h, 26 NovemberOne of my all-time favorites!
Evan Peterson
Posted at 20:16h, 26 NovemberI either add or change my vote to A Child’s Prayer.
Ben Howington
Posted at 04:19h, 27 NovemberI’ll just add it. No limit to how many times you can vote here :)
Posted at 20:31h, 26 Novemberisrael, israel, God is Calling
Ben Howington
Posted at 04:23h, 27 NovemberFor some reason I keep wanting to sing that first line to the tune “Welcome, Welcome, Sabbath Morning.” I’m an idiot.
kelley belcher
Posted at 21:07h, 26 NovemberI vote for the mash-up of Wayfaring Man of Grief and Praise to the Man.
Ben Howington
Posted at 04:31h, 27 NovemberYeah, they’re good themes to put together.
Posted at 21:48h, 26 NovemberThe spirit of god
Nearer my god to thee
As sisters in Zion
You are rad.
Ben Howington
Posted at 04:25h, 27 NovemberI’ve heard of three of those four :) Thanks, Shiloh. Seriously.
Clark Tompkins
Posted at 02:34h, 27 NovemberHow about “Brightly Beams our fathers mercy” with a bit of Johnny Cash mixed in…that is still one of my favorite hymns sung by a popular artist….also maybe “What child is this” for Christmas…Love that song too.
Ben Howington
Posted at 04:30h, 27 NovemberIs it crazy that I had never heard his version? Just checked it out. So cool. Thanks for making me aware of it! Also, check back in a few days regarding that second choice of yours ;)
Andy Donkin
Posted at 05:25h, 27 NovemberOh my father
Posted at 05:42h, 27 NovemberSo after listening to I hope they call me on mission again, the combining of two songs gave me an idea. When I went to EFY ages ago, they had all of the attendees sing together in the conference hall, the men singing armies of Helaman, and the women singing as sisters in Zion in a sort of combined medley or sorts. And while they are not my favorite songs necessarily, it was a powerful combo, and the best part of EFY! So even if one of those doesn’t get picked for January, keep it in mind as a possible combo type arrangement. I think the are the same meter? Maybe? Possibly? I know very little about it, but you would know I’m sure. Anyways, keep it up dude. This is really a very bright spot in a world of so much dark. I love seeing what musically genius things you come up with every month and I love the testimony/story that accompanies it.
Ben Howington
Posted at 06:00h, 27 NovemberThanks! Yeah, the youth in our ward sing that whenever someone is leaving on a mission. It’s a very powerful combo and one that I never tire from hearing since it means another missionary is leaving for the field. It would be cool to do some overdubbing on that one too, I think. Hmmmmm… That could be pretty rad.
Posted at 10:29h, 27 NovemberBecause it will be December and Christmas, how about “Once In Royal David’s City”. And I LOVE “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”. That one would be great sometime. I look forward every month to your new song–thanks for sharing!
Jeanne West
Posted at 16:18h, 27 November“Praise to the man” Its such a powerfull one!! Or” I know that my redeemer lives”
Posted at 16:48h, 28 NovemberCome Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Posted at 22:50h, 03 MarchI would love “Because I have been given much”.
Braden Andrews
Posted at 03:56h, 12 MarchSecret Prayer and Count Your Many Blessing, song in Portuguese