I’m not exactly sure how I decided to do “I Feel My Savior’s Love” this time. It’s been in the works for a while. Nowadays I tend to have several new arrangements ongoing at the same time, so there ends up being a handful of arrangements that are 80% done, 100% of the time.
With this one, I wasn’t sure how to end it. So it sat with only the first two verses done for a while.
I’ve found that when I’m stuck, the best thing to do is to remove myself from the arrangement and not play it for a while to let me rethink things. That’s what I did with this one. I thought about it for a while and this is the conclusion that I came to: We all feel our savior’s love differently, so the last verse should be a little different. So I changed the key, tempo and took some liberties with the melody. Probably not that noticeable to people not reading the background on this, but that was the inspiration for that last verse.
This is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. I have four kids and each of them is different. So I have to show my love to them differently because it’s not important how I’m showing my love. The important thing is that they feel loved.
We’re all different. I hope that people are continually working to become more tolerant of each other and more open to the idea that the way you feel your Savior’s love might not be the same way that others do. And that is perfectly fine. He loves them just as much as He loves you. If anything, the most Christlike thing you can do for people is to help them feel their Savior’s love in their own way.
1. I feel my Savior’s love
In all the world around me.
His Spirit warms my soul
Through ev’rything I see.
He knows I will follow him,
Give all my life to him.
I feel my Savior’s love,
The love he freely gives me.
2. I feel my Savior’s love;
Its gentleness enfolds me,
And when I kneel to pray,
My heart is filled with peace.
3. I feel my Savior’s love
And know that he will bless me.
I offer him my heart;
My shepherd he will be.
4. I’ll share my Savior’s love
By serving others freely.
In serving I am blessed.
In giving I receive.
Posted at 14:35h, 20 SeptemberThis is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your talents in a way that uplifts us all.
Dennis Davanzo
Posted at 16:04h, 20 SeptemberVery inspirational,enjoyed your guitar playing, would like to hear the lyrics sung?
Cindy Christy
Posted at 16:26h, 20 SeptemberBen, this is beautiful and I love that you change it up. I am inspired and strengthened by the songs of Zion. I frequently sing them and find myself changing them up.
I believe that this creates even more power of the song within me.
Thank you for sharing your talent and creativity with me.
Posted at 18:06h, 31 MarchYou are going to have to change it to CHURCHOFJESUSCHRISTGUITAR.COM HA HA
Mark Loken
Posted at 18:43h, 01 JanuaryDo you have a list of the easiest hymns to play? I am new at playing the Guitar.
Jacob Harper
Posted at 19:37h, 21 AprilWould it be possible for you to make a compilation of your arrangements into a book. I would be really interested in buying one if you where to put one into your store.
Posted at 10:01h, 19 JanuaryI absolutely love this song, I appreciate all the time you take to make these. These songs make me happy and bring me closer to Christ. I hope you are having a great day! :D You are loved!