08 May Vote for June’s hymn
It’s that time again! Time for you to pick which hymn I should do next month.
Since it’s been such a close vote these last few months, I’ve left the options the same and added Where Can I Turn for Peace. I love that hymn. Have you ever heard Tyler Glenn’s version? It’s amazing.
Voting will remain open until Sunday 11:59PM EST. The poll is set up to allow one vote per device, so get as many of your friends to vote for the hymn you want. The vote for How Great Thou Art was swung in one afternoon by one person getting a couple hundred of their friends to vote. It was amazing to witness.
Thanks for all the wonderful support and feedback, especially with A Child’s Prayer. I didn’t expect that kind of reaction. You guys are awesome.
Good luck voting!
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Voting ends Sunday 11:59PM EST
Kadie Johnson
Posted at 10:57h, 04 JuneI just found your page! Love it!!! I have a requested song… Maybe you can add to your list of future songs… The day dawn is breaking! :)
I had it playing in my head when I woke up today and that is what lead me to your page … I was desperately seeking peace and comfort. I am excited to know your next song will be my favorite song… Where can I turn for peace?… That song has been a comfort to my soul for many years.
Douglas Long
Posted at 18:10h, 06 JulyI just found your site through another person’s post. Previously I’d owned Fender Stratocasters and picked lead style. During the last couple of years I’ve been playing my semi-hollow body Epiphone as it gives a softer and smoother tone, which I feel suits church hymns better. I only play electric because I like the sound and range better. I recently found Newel Kimball’s finger style Gospel hymns book, and have fallen for the beauty of finger style guitar. I do like your teaching style, especially the mistakes, which you leave in, giving more of a feeling of a living room jam session, that a structured lesson, and also calls attention to that being places that can cause difficulties, so be aware of them.