I think this is the first song I’ve done that isn’t in the Hymnbook or Children’s Songbook. So why do it? Because this song speaks to me on a very personal level.
I served my mission in Belém, Brazil – right on the equator in the Amazon. My last area was a small town called Óbidos. It sat on the Amazon river. It took me several days to get there. Had to wait a few days for a plane to take me from Belém to another city further into the Amazon, where I hopped on a boat and cruised down the Amazon river overnight to finally arrive at Óbidos.
President Godoy (now Elder Godoy of the seventy) opened Óbidos at the start of my mission. I was thrilled to be able to finally serve there.
We rented a house and used it as a chapel. The people were ready for the gospel. They were practically baptizing themselves. Since the church was brand new there, our jobs as missionaries was make sure everything was being run correctly. We called a member to be Branch President and we served as his counselors. It was exciting and refreshing to see these people so excited about the gospel and zero influence of Mormon culture (other than us). There was no “this is how we’ve always done it” mentality. They made the gospel their own. I loved those people.
The same month I got there, our mission changed the rule of what we could listen to. Previously we were only allowed to listen to hymns, but now we could listen to the seminary video soundtracks as well. Each morning we would sit on the patio and read scriptures while the Book of Mormon seminary video soundtrack was playing. That’s when I really got to know this song.
The song is written by Kurt Bestor. Words by Don Stirling. Sung by Felicia Sorensen, whose voice basically sounds like heaven to me.
I don’t know what it is about this song, but it hits me on a deep level every time I hear it. This song takes me right back to Óbidos. Right back to those people that I loved so much.
I hope you enjoy it.
There’s a call that comes to you and me.
Strong and clear, to share His truth and light.
It’s our time to serve and bring new life
To a waiting, waiting world in need.
Each new day we’ll nourish with his words.
Those who seek direction from above.
With our hands we’ll share the Master’s touch.
With our hearts we’ll spread His endless love.
Until He comes and His work is done,
We’ll labor and we’ll reap.
What joy we’ll find this last time,
As we serve the King of Kings.
Heaven’s eyes smile down as we declare
Words of peace so precious and so rare.
As we reap with tenderness and care
Truth and hope bless nations everywhere.
Posted at 19:52h, 29 JanuaryI may have shed a man tear or two watching this. Thank you for sharing your talents. This is exactly what I needed today
Posted at 21:02h, 29 JanuaryThis song definitely brought back some memories for me as well. Thank you. I love listening to your music.
Kathleen Dunagan
Posted at 08:30h, 30 JanuaryBen, simply beautiful! Your passion and co-existence with the Obidos people shine through in this song. It longs for me to have experienced your time with them right beside you. <3
Clayton Porter
Posted at 10:15h, 09 AprilThis is amazing. Thank you for sharing your talent. I enjoy the tabs but I’m not technically strong in that part yet? Do you have versions on this song and the hymns with the chords? I’d love to practice those versions. Also I love the hymns but I’d like to hear and see more songs like the olive tree and such from EFY or other lds contemporary artists. Thanks again
Keith McCauley
Posted at 00:08h, 02 MayAbsolutely gripping. Exquisitely played and performed with elegance. Thank you for sharing this. Reminded me deeply of my mission to the high rises of Tokyo. Thank you, Brother, for sharing your gift.
David Grant
Posted at 01:15h, 18 JuneOne of my favorite songs of all time. Truly a love! Thank you very much for this.
Lucas Draney
Posted at 20:12h, 01 OctoberThanks for your website! I’m so excited to learn the tabs and make the hymns my basis for learning guitar! I feel this need to express myself to Heavenly Father, and this is a huge help! Once I get my first twenty hours of practice in I’ll report back!
Kendall Baird
Posted at 21:26h, 04 MarchI love this arrangement! Its so awesome to be able to play these songs on sunday and bring the spirit into my home. Thank you for what you do!!! You Should look at doing two songs from this same time period. They are some of my favorites: “My Soul Hungered” and “Come Unto Me”